Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Bachelorette Party/Bridal Shower

Last night was really, really fun. Really great.

I was accused of being a "Bridesmaidzilla" by Linda because I made these fancy gift bags for the bridal shower guests. (I admit, I did go crazy with them) but I dont think of myself as a bridesmaidzilla, because I really enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun.

I know that yesterday alone I spent $100, on alcohol and snacks, and I am not interested to know how much I spent on the gift bags (I intentionally did not keep track, I knew that would ruin the fun for me) and I plan to give her about a $125 present, so to me this seems like a lot of money on paper, but not that much when it comes to her, (does that make sense?) What I am trying to say is this is the easiest money in the world for me to spend, I just want good things for her. And none of this has been extravagant, just fun (like Red Stripe beer instead of Miller, because her honeymoon is in Jamaica.)

So last night was the bridal shower I "threw" for Linda. Here's the thing, I didn't really throw it, her college roommate Kara did a lot of the work. Really, it was a collabrative effort amongst all the bridesmaids.

We went to a (cool, not gimmicky) Tiki themed bar and a piano bar. Can I tell you people, I am a good singer. Really, I am. I wish I could use it somehow in my life, maybe I could start going to church...nah. ;)

My only complaint about the night is it didn't last longer.

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