Monday, October 30, 2006


The idaho wind is so loud whistling through the windows that it may keep me awake tonight.

I just have to get off my chest my new crush! Our first officer this trip is on OE (that's like a 30 hour final test- they fly, but with an OE captian who checks them out.) He MELTS me. He is from Georgia, in a town of 1000. He has the cutest accent, and a boyish face that really makes me feel like I am 11 years old. We were having a conversation about weight loss and he said I wasn't fat. :) I'm smitten.

I don't think that their is anything wrong with developing crushes when you are in a relationship, but that doesn't mean the relationship I am in is going well. It's just non-existant. We barely e-mail once a week, and even those e-mails are short and brief. I feel angry at him for leaving me, even though that anger is completely unfair. Charles will be gone for 2 more months. I hope my anger doesn't get stronger.

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